Sorry for not posting recently. My Internet is in the process of being canceled/renewed/hooked up again so I haven't been able to write longer posts.
Once it's back up and running I am going to venture into the world of vlogging so keep and eye out for that.

On another note, I asked my students to fill out a questionnaire to introduce themselves to me. They wrote some super cute things and they seemed so outgoing and enthusiastic which was so different from how they conducted themselves in class. I have to really work at bringing them out of their shells while they are in the classroom.
Anyways, here are a few samples of what they drew.
I have something in common with this student :p
On average I get called cute 20 times a day.
Rob Smith
9/19/2012 12:57:34 pm

Hi Lisa! Totally off topic...but I was reviewing your Poetry That Moves Project that you created in 2011 while a student at the U of C for the Calgary Science school. I did my student teaching there in 2005. I would really like to use this idea with my grade 6 class but the link to all of the teaching materials no longer works. Huge favor for a perfect stranger to ask of you...but is there any chance you have a copy of the materials you could send to me? I'd be more than happy to reciprocate if you're looking for lesson ideas/an opening on a position at a great middle school here in Calgary (assuming you return to Canada) that I have had the privilege of opening 3 years ago called Samuel W Shaw.

Great website btw!

9/19/2012 01:46:49 pm

Hi Rob!
I was just made aware that the link to the materials is broken. I am in the process of gathering some materials for another teacher in BC for the same project so if you send me your email then I can pass it along to you as well. What were you looking for? An outline/ instructions/ lesson plans/ examples? I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can. Most of the files are on a hard drive at home but I think that I can access most of them through email or on Evernote.
Thank you so much for your interest in the project. I am so happy to know that poetry is being explored in this way. I found this project to be so rewarding and it served many purposes to improve student writing, and increase creativity and risk taking. I am definitely interested in lesson ideas and the position at your middle school! I plan on returning to Calgary in a year (maybe two) so I will be in touch.

My email is [email protected]
Please let me know what materials you require.

Take care!


10/3/2012 09:41:59 am

Ms. Nguyen! I miss you so much. This is Loueybear from instagram, I'm sure you've figured out who I am by now. Anyways, I really miss you and whenever Mr. Fawcett mentions you in class we all freak out because we love you and miss you so much :D This has nothing to do with anything, haha but I just wanted to say hi. I really really really miss you, and I hope Mr. Fawcett is keeping you updated on what we're doing at school, such as the "Canadian Worth Knowing" <3 Good luck in Japan, and I miss you!

Miss Nguyen
10/4/2012 11:29:29 am

Aw Thanks Alua. I miss everyone very much too. Mr. Fawcett has been keeping me up to date on what you guys are working on and I cant wait to see all of your projects. They sound very interesting! Take care!

10/3/2012 09:48:12 am

I hope your enjoying your time in Japan, we all miss you! I am reading your blog right now. I hope you can check out the recent projects we are doing in school. Have fun in japan!

Miss Nguyen
10/4/2012 11:30:43 am

Hi Angela!

Thanks for reading my blog. I will definitely check out your projects once Mr. Fawcett sends me the link. I am excited to see everyone`s work!


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    Hello my name is... 

    Canadian girl teaching abroad in Japan with ambitious exploring endeavors. 
    A few things I love: Literature, Art, Music Festivals,
    Flavourful Foreign Food, Alliteration, Kittens, Handsome Bearded Men, Globetrotting, Teaching, Groovy Tunes, Hipsters, and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
    I'm known for smiling a lot!


    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012