After a great week of summer camps and having tons of company over I needed a day to clean my house and relax. I love Sundays to wake up early, work out all of my cleaning OCD issues, and just have some downtime by myself.
The first couple weeks of being here I found it hard to be by myself, the silence felt uncomfortably lonely. Distractions and the company of others were almost necessary for me to feel alright. But today after a fun filled week and a full house of people, the emptiness of my newly cleaned apartment is great. These days I am happy to do things on my own. I take bike rides by the river, go shopping, dance around my apartment, and just live my life content in my new found independence.
My friend gave me a bunch of TV shows and movies to watch so I made myself some corn and dumplings (a weird combination but I didn't have any other veggies) and watched 30 Rock for a lunch break from chores and organizing my life on this wonderfully lazy and un-lonely Sunday.

8/28/2012 02:11:07 am

thats lol and also creepy. glade ur ok. hope ur having a good time

8/28/2012 02:19:38 am

hi ms.nguyen are you having fun in japan? i hope you are. i saw the picture of food, i looked at the gyoza in it and i immediately knew what it was. i love them! by the way if you haven't yet you should get katzu kare! its my fav! (btw my parents lived in japan for two years!)

Miss Nguyen
8/28/2012 11:29:45 am

Hi Catherine!
It is great to hear from you!
I love Katzu Kare! It is very oishii (delicious). I am going to learn how to make it in a cooking class soon and I am so excited.
That is cool that your parents lived in Japan. Is it a place that you would ever want to travel to? The food is amazing and everything is so beautiful :)

8/28/2012 09:31:57 am

lol srry i comented on the wrong thing. also gusse what my name is japanes. it means flower.

Miss Nguyen
8/28/2012 11:26:29 am

Haha I am glad you clarified, I was confused at what you thought was creepy about dumplings.
I just learned the other day that Hana means flower in Japanese. I actually thought of you when I discovered this. When I come home I can show you how to write it in Japanese characters. It is a beautiful name that suits you very well.
I hope you are having fun at school!

8/29/2012 01:44:56 pm

So so happy to hear you are settling in...as wonderful an adventure as it is, I can't imagine what you have been struggling with being so far away. So awesome to hear about your experience!!

8/29/2012 05:14:32 pm

Thanks Claire! I think you described it perfectly. I am enjoying my time here incredibly but being away from everyone I love has been really difficult. I thought I was an independent person, but I had no idea what it really meant to have full independence apart from everyone. I think I have already changed from having to do virtually everything on my own, like I am already a more capable person.

I am really happy to hear from you! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment. I enjoy connecting with you!


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    Hello my name is... 

    Canadian girl teaching abroad in Japan with ambitious exploring endeavors. 
    A few things I love: Literature, Art, Music Festivals,
    Flavourful Foreign Food, Alliteration, Kittens, Handsome Bearded Men, Globetrotting, Teaching, Groovy Tunes, Hipsters, and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
    I'm known for smiling a lot!


    November 2012
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    August 2012