My friend Will is auditioning for a part in the JET charity musical. He came all the way from Sado to go to the Niigata city auditions so he stayed with me. I had a full house this weekend with Sabina, Stephanie, and Shaun as well. I love the company and it is fun to take people out in the city and show them things that I have discovered.
In an attempt to help him choose an audition song we YouTube'd all of our favourite childhood Disney songs! With a little wine to warm our vocal chords we were soon belting out the tracks of our youth. YouTube is great to start conversations with people that you are getting to know and a person's video choices are very revealing about the type of humour they have. We abandoned Disney after awhile and just took to looking up our favourite ridiculous clips. The company of friends is such a wonderful thing. For the first time since I have been in Niigata, I laughed without constraint. We all had the out-of-breath, teary-eyed, full-body laugh that is incredibly infectious. It is the type of laughter that feeds the spirit of friendship and nourishes a heart missing home.  
I anticipate many fun times will be had in my apartment that feels a little more like home everyday.

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    Hello my name is... 

    Canadian girl teaching abroad in Japan with ambitious exploring endeavors. 
    A few things I love: Literature, Art, Music Festivals,
    Flavourful Foreign Food, Alliteration, Kittens, Handsome Bearded Men, Globetrotting, Teaching, Groovy Tunes, Hipsters, and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
    I'm known for smiling a lot!


    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012