I finally got a phone today and it feels awesome to be connected again. Although I was kind of getting used to not having a phone it is great to have one to coordinate plans with people and catch up with people from home.
The little dog mascot of the phone company is really popular here. His name is Otasan which means father and he has conversations with Tommy Lee Jones in commercials. It is all very random, cute, and endearingly Japanese.
I got a free beer glass with Otasan's face on it. My supervisor loved it so I gave it to her.
The moment I got my phone I downloaded all of my necessary apps to tweet, instagram, and waste an hour on Facebook. Oh boy, I am a phone zombie again.
The best thing about having this phone is that I have GPS again! I can access train schedules, and create a route to anywhere my heart desires. Traveling Japan just became a lot less daunting. This comes at the perfect time because I am planning a trip to Kyoto for fall and a possible trip to Tokyo in November. Exciting times!

Joseph Higgins
8/28/2012 02:10:27 am

Hi Ms, Nguyen its Joey from the Calgary Science School. Me as well as a bunch of the other students are looking at your page and commenting. From reading your posts it look and sounds as if you are have a wonderful experience. We all miss you and wish all the best!

Miss Nguyen
8/28/2012 11:20:54 am

Hi Joey! It is great to hear from you. I am so happy you guys are having a look at my blog. I miss you guys too and I hope you have a great first year of junior high!

Victoria Bishop
8/28/2012 02:19:38 am

SUP NYUGEN DAWG! Missin you back home! Hope you are having fun!

Miss Nguyen
8/28/2012 11:19:41 am

Aw thanks so much Victoria! I am having a great time here. I have a phone now so I will be back on Instagram so you can stalk me some more hahaha. :)


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    Hello my name is... 

    Canadian girl teaching abroad in Japan with ambitious exploring endeavors. 
    A few things I love: Literature, Art, Music Festivals,
    Flavourful Foreign Food, Alliteration, Kittens, Handsome Bearded Men, Globetrotting, Teaching, Groovy Tunes, Hipsters, and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
    I'm known for smiling a lot!


    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012